Monday, July 16, 2007

Dinner at Inter Continental

On 30 Jun, we had dinner at Olive Tree. It was sort of a Father's Day celebration. Grand-Aunt was invited along as the restaurant was offering a one-for-one promotion. Cayden brought his buddy along as well and shared the limited space in stroller with Teddy.

Cayden only drank milk and looked at the cups which we sipped our coffee and tea from. He also couldn't take his eyes off the saucers that we eat the pastries and desserts from. It was sooooooo funny!

The dinner was possibly the 3rd time Grand-Aunt saw Cayden. It was funny looking at the older folks in the family taking turns to babysit Cayden. Pictures always tell a thousand words.

Cayden also saw Lilian Too's twin.... Those who at the dinner probably knew who I was referring to. KEKEKE!

Anyway, Cayden will get a chance to see Grand Aunt again as he will be visiting an addition to Grandma's maternal family this weekend. Mummy's cousin had a baby girl weeks ago and it is approaching a month since she arrived. Somehow, the first months of newborn always brought to mind how Cayden suffered in his first few weeks of arrival. Mummy always feel sad and there were a few times she wept....

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Flipped and Up!


and UP!

How amazing Cayden pick up this skill although he still needs help in flipping. Its a matter of time he does it without assistance.

According to Mummy, Cayden has been giving daily dosage of Tummy Time. Tummy Time is not about poo-ing. It is the daily routine of putting Cayden on his tummy so that he could exercise his back muscles and strengthen his spine. It started with a daily dosage of two times of 1 minute Tummy Time when he was about 4 months old, then increase duration of each Tummy Time. This will prepare Babies for the fffffffffffffflip!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Cayden is Growing Fast and Strong

Cayden is growing fast and strong. In about 2 weeks, he is due for his third set of immunization jab on 24 Jul 07.

Grandma has been exceptionally worried. Basing on how Cayden has reacted after he received his second set of immunization jab, Grandma was worried Cayden would refuse to drink milk like he did the last time. Cayden has been hearing Grandma preaching about drink more milk. The Grandma's Theory of Immunization states that:

"Babies should drink alot of milk especially before those jabs. The fats accumulated in babies before the jab is important. Most babies would have a tendancy to fall sick or feeling constantly grouchy and hence affects their appetite for milk for a period following the jabs. As a result, babies lose weight fast and shrink in size by the time the immunization effects wear off."

Fortunately Cayden has been pretty cooperative. He drinks milk and water throughout the day. Hopefully by the time his little Auntie Yangming comes back, he weighs the best he could be. Unfortunately, there's no pictures to share for now - Aunty Linda has no time to edit the picture these few weeks but promise to get some pictures up in the next entry.

Our little Connoisseur also started to munch his feet earlier this week. Very soon, he will be crawling all over the apartment and asking "WHY" on everything. Can't wait for this day to come soon. :)